This All Started With A Republican

Richard M Nixon was the vilest human being to hold the Presidency until Trump. Not only did Nixon keep the Vietnam war going, he’s the guy who opened the trade door with China. Goods from there flooded our country. In the beginning, the stuff was well made. I know that because I wound up selling a lot of it. Then they cheaped out. Goods had toxic paint on them or were just junk. 

Then there was the bloody news from Vietnam on the 6 O’Clock news every night. You might tune in and see your son’s mutilated corpse being put in a body bag. As for movies, oddly films like the Dirty Dozen, Rio Conchos, Fistful of Dollars, The Wild Bunch ect, were leased to network television with most of the violence edited out. Having seen all these films uncut, I was like WTF?

Then Tricky Dick resigns rather than be prosecuted. Then we get Carter, lousy president but great human being. Big recession, high interest rates, but here’s the thing, if you had money, you could make money because the banks were paying the same interest on 6 month Certificates of Deposit. Now banks just hold your money and maybe pay point 01 %. 

Then came our first “celebrity” president, Ronald Reagan. Voted in by the greatest generation because, and to quote my own mother “Ronnie is a handsome movie star, he’ll make a great President.” Yeah, by allowing tons of cocaine into the country to finance his private war on “commies” in South America. Then he helped destabilize countries in South America and that’s why we have a migrant problem.

What else? How about single handedly creating homelessness in America? Throwing institutionalized people out on the street. Breaking up the phone company, trying to break up unions, wasting millions on The Meese Commission investigating pornography. then he got shot. Can we not have assassins who are lousy shots? Asking for a friend. Sadly, he survived. 

Then we got Clinton. Problem with him was he came with Hillary who had a cradle to grave mentality as far as the government. Things were good until he got a blow job. Then what was it, the Starr Commission or something that kept the issue of the blow job in the public eye for so long that now every grade school kid in America now knew why Mommies head was bobbing up & down in Daddy’s lap. Hey, if I was married to Hillary, I’d want a strange blowjob too. 

Then we get the first special needs President, George W Bush. Who blew though the budget surplus in less than two months. Then we get attacked on our own soil for the first time since Pearl Harbor. So he invades Iraq, which had nothing to do with it. The real culprit, Osama Binladen ,did business with the Bush family for decades. So when we supposedly had him cornered, Bush has us invade Iraq because Sadam “ threatened to kill my Daddy “ over the first Gulf War. I forgot about Bush SR because the only thing I remember about him is being in Japan at a dinner and tossing his cookies on the Prime minister of Japan. Binladen was hiding in Pakistan all the time until Obama took him out.

So then we get Obama for 8 years and he can’t do shit because both houses of Congress are controlled by the GOP who block anything he wants to pass. Then America makes the fatal mistake of electing a former reality TV star, Donald Trump. Need I say anything more. 300K dead because of his inaction during the pandemic? He stacks the Supreme Court with his own picks. Rowe V Wade is overturned, women’s reproductive rights are taken away. 

So we have another election. Bernie Sanders is the guy who would do the right thing by us, but the DNC can’t have someone they can’t control, so they dust off Joe Biden and shove him down our throats. Biden said he won’t run a 2nd term, but ego gets in the way, He shit’s the bed in the first debate and his good friend and all around cunt, Nancy Pelosi, wants him out. So a little backstabbing manuver, something Pelosi excels at, now we have Harris and three months to go. This election will be too close to call, we are told. within 7 hours, Trump is the winner, WTF? 

Seems his salad tossing buddy, Musk, went to all the swing states a couple of weeks before the election. Supposedly a lot of votes vanished. Trump, who has diareaha of the mouth, has been thanking Musk for “his help”. Is anyone picking up on this? The election really looks like it was stolen, but all I hear is crickets. Same with blacks, hispanics, jews ect. Are you fuckin watching? Do you know your history or do you just believe everything your read on the internet? 

Trump and his followers are white supremists, DEI is the new term for nigger, I don’t candy coat shit, I tell it like it is. Yeah, they will try and deport all the hispanics, odd that one of Trump’s boys called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage, but he still got that vote. Incredible, same with the black vote, any people of color in Trump’s new cabinet? And don’t count Cash Patel. Notice India people seem to get a pass because they throw a lot of $$ to Trump and that seems to whitewash them. 

Now America seems to be just eating Trump’s shit. I don’t see anyone in a position of authority standing up for us. Where did our balls go? Women just want to be jizz receptacles for their men? Generals are being forced to resign by a draft dodger? Gitmo is now a concentration camp? Yeah, like we can even feed 30K “prisoners”. What we are seeing now did happen in Germany in the 30’s. We fought a war that cost the greatest generation their lives and now, how many years later, we are becoming the evil we fought to contain. Sorry dad, I thank you for your service, but in the end, we lost.

So now myself and other seniors live with the fear of losing the benefits we actually paid for. These are not entitlements, we paid for it. The only ones getting entitlements are the greedy cocksuckers we are dumb enough to elect. Notice just about every congressperson retires very well off and they aren’t getting well off from their pay. They get rich and we get scraps. But one thing every single one of them enabled is lies.” I won’t pardon my son” he did. “ I’ll lower the price of groceries” he didn’t. 

Now Musk has control of where our SS and Medicare goes? Happy you voted for this shit? I’m not. If I lose the benefits that I paid into, I’ll be homeless in 6 months. And I won’t be alone. Best way to cut down on expenses is to exterminate those who get the money. What next, round up all the seniors and put them in camps? Oh, this is America, that can’t happen here”. Yeah, well no one expected airplanes to fly into skyscrapers, but guess what? It happened. 

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